Angaza Program
Amplifying girls’ voices
Angaza: Swahili word for light up

Angaza intervenes at significant and potentially catalytic transition periods for girls and young women - primary to secondary school, secondary to tertiary education, professional career, and young adulthood- by facilitating their access to quality education and lifelong learning opportunities. The program awards comprehensive multi-year high school scholarships to girls and young women from Kenya’s rural and low-income regions with a focus on Arid and Semi-Arid counties. Angaza additionally creates platforms for recent high school graduates and program alumnae to access networks and platforms, giving them a competitive edge to acquire post-high school scholarships and personal development opportunities across the world.

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Our programs are anchored in feminist movement building and advocacy. We purposefully create safe spaces and platforms for girls and young women, facilitating intergenerational learning, sisterhood, mentorship, and agency. By doing so, we contribute to catalyzing and sustaining the feminist movement in Africa and beyond.

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